Tuesday 5 February 2008

Tuesday Morning

Bonjour everyone!

I'm sitting here in bed in Hertfordshire and it's really, really raining outside. Not to worry, it's less than a week before we head out to France. It's STILL snowing over there so the same thing I guess!!
We had a super couple of days down with Si, Jo and the boys. I slept all day Sunday but the guys were so welcoming and understanding to what is going on. Sleeep! Thanks guys!

How do I feel? Well, I feel better for the first time in months. My ears are still itching like crazy (that aqueos cream is awesome thanks Alison!), I can still taste the mettalic taste, sleeping at night is a mission although tomazapan is making a very small comeback and the worstthing is my balance . In a crowd I do feel like an invalid. Not for much longer though - that's down to all your support and help - THINK SHRINK!

Best thing yesterday? My good friend mailed the Arsenal`football club and somewho managed to get an a friend/helper into the first team training!! We get to meet the team and have lunch with them ha ha!

Worst thing yesterday? The only date available is when I get back to France!!

We're working on it - donta worry!!!!




Anonymous said...

Look at our web cam.....put you in the mood for next week.

Deirdre xxx

Anonymous said...

Loved having you both here! looking forward to doing the same again and next time hopefully there will be a little more room.
Take care of yourselves - big hugs from all of us,

Jo xx
p.s Charlie is back in his flying suit and demanding to wear it to playschool ;0)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ali
Been out on the BASI Gap tour for the past week leading my GAP students astray. It was awesome to get out of the office for a while. It's taken me ages to catch up on a week's worth of blogging missed. I met up with Matt at the usual place in Le Praz last Tuesday night, but it just wasn't the same without Tom, and of course you. It was a good meeting...lots to think about!

We went to Val D'Isere for a night and met Dave, Rupes and Jonesy from ICE. The hangovers next day were a bit of a challenge and we had the drive to Aosta to look forward to. Unfortunately, I was in charge of directions and decided to take the shortest journey between the 2 points which happened to be the Col du petit St Bernard. I didn't realise it became La Rosiere in the Winter. I really should know better. You can imagine all the way up the hairpin bends with the hangover from hell to see the road disappear under several feet of snow and the sign 'La Thuile 8km' in the middle of a run! (Don't tell anyone, slightly embarrassed that I was so stupid.) Ros was very unhappy and drove like a mad woman all the way back down again. I really don't know how I managed to avoid throwing up!

Glad to hear that you will be back where you belong soon. You know what they say, a change is as good as a rest. Let's hope that this is the case for you.

The best thing that happened to me yesterday was getting home to my kids after over a week and staying at my mum's house for dinner, bed and breakfast. Mum's are the best aren't they?

I've been thinking about you and talking about you all week and telling everyone I meet that knows you (so nearly everyone) how to get onto you blog. The more think shrinkers the better.

Take care and lots of love,
Deb (BASI)

Anonymous said...

Hello mate.
Sorry we missed you on the south coast this weekend.
I've been trying to encourage a mass exodus to the south for years and now i've missed my chance!
Had Andy + Liz, and Filly, George + little Niamh. Hope you are feeling a whole lot better very very soon and a happy return to the slopes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali

Great news that you are on the up. Maybe your ears are itching because so many of your friends are talking about you!! I guess you will keep up your blog when you get out to the mountains next week? Thinking of you.
Love The Conways, Chris, David, Sarah, Daniel, Stewart, Jo & Freya xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Organised to go skiing today with Bernie and Kaaren but when I woke up this morning I thought to myself that I really couldn´t be arsed but then I thought of you. How you would just love to hit the slopes so this spurred me on to get out and enjoy it. Had a brilliant time and of course we had lots of think shrink moments together. Met up with John and Jessie in the avo and had a wonderful blue sky powder day.
So thrilled to hear that you are feeling somewhat better and of course this will only improve. CAn´t wait to see you and Jeanette.
´Love Carolyn

Anonymous said...


Glad you are getting better, my friend! I've been out for some time.

I'm back to thinkshrink with the twice energy involved! I hope my waves will reach you.

Ilia. St.Pete.

Anonymous said...

Deirdre and all the Pirie family thinking of you and sending our love


Anonymous said...

Ciao Ali! Buon viaggio! Viva Francia; anche tu. Awrabest!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that Bernie pointed out with great glee the huge rock next to the Grand Col chair that you used to jump off!!!
Wow it impressed me lots.
Love CArolyn.